Friday, April 27, 2012

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

here is me:

here is the hair color:

it is the SECOND hair color no. 12

would i look good in this?

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Well, you sure couldn't do any worse.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yes, definitely, you'd look adorable.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

just go get yr hair fixed up and that should be fine no need

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

wow you would look incredible

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

yeah, i think it would look cute.

i would get side bangs with it though.

go for it!

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

I think that is a very good choice. by the way nice pic

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

well you already are kinda blonde...

so i guess. go for it. =]

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yes, it would go well with your skin tone...natural looking. I say go for it!!!

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

umm get a scene haircut

wayyy hotter

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

wow ur really pretty wow and yea u would look great with anything.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yes you would.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

it could work just make sure its not the same colour as ur skin

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

yea i think you would look amazing with that hair stlye

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

you are too pale for that color.....maybe in the summer when you are tan, but I don't think it is a good color for you at all. good luck!

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

yep it would look really cute.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Sure, why not try it? the worst thing that could happen is it look awful and you go buy a color stripper to take it back to your (almost) normal color. Maybe when you buy the color, you buy the stripper at the same time just in case.

I can't remember my real color, I change it almost as often as I change my clothes.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yep, you have the right skin tone for it.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yeah, you seem pretty enough to pull it off, or any style for that matter. But you have the innocent adorable look going, why change it?

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

i think its way too fake looking would look "over processed" just do highlights instead.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Yes, it would look awesome on your head.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Oh yess you would look really good. I really like your shape of face so that hair style would be super cute for you.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Hmm... it's not really all that different from what you have now.

The tone, however, IS a little cooler.

I'd either go with THAT one, or a shade darker than your current hair color.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

I think you would look really cute with that hairstyle!

You look adorable too :)

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

You could wear that shade with your light skin but don't you think that is more of a summer color?

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

definetly, you look awsome, but 2 would be good also.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

yeah u would look pretty as a bond just dont go to light beacuse your skin is fair id suggest highlights and lo lights it would give more dimention

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

your eyes go well with your natural hair color...get it cut to your chin to round out your face

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

ya, youd look pretty good w/ it

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

She has extentions, the light color with the darker contrast would look good for you but go to a hair and beauty supply store where you can pick lengths of imitation hair with or without curls, they are affordable $15 to 25.

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

Wow! Your avi looks exactly like you! Amazing. Anyway, your hair is fairly blond. Do you have golden tones? If you do decide to go this blond then make sure it is a light golden blond. It will go better with your eyes and skin tone.

If you can, have a salon do it. They'll make sure you don't look too washed out in the light blond.

Good luck and happy blonding! :)

Would i look good in this hair color (pic included)?

This haircolor is pretty light blonde so it may make your skin look really pale and white OR it may make your eyes pop out. another thing to think about is that your eyebrows are light brown. so overall i would say no. maybe you should 1. push the button were it tries it on your face 2. when you get it dyed or cut ask the hairstylest for her opinion. :) I wish you all the good luck.

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