Friday, April 20, 2012

Guess the celebrity...?

he was on alot of disney movies...

he did a music video 4 minute men

he has alot of hair...

his best celebrity friend was in the same movie as him (she was on dancing w/ the stars)

whoever gets the correct answer first gets best answer...

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin blue

Guess the celebrity...?

Justin Timberlake ex N'syncer

Guess the celebrity...?

I agree with McLuvin It. It is Corbin Blue. Hope I helped! :)

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu????

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin bleu..i spelled it right!

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu.

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu!

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin bleu

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu

%26gt;He was in HMS 1 and 2 and Jump In, Flight 29 Down and many other shows and movies

%26gt;He has a music video called Run It Back Again that is in the movie Minute Men with Jason Dolley stars in

%26gt;He has a ton of hair

%26gt;His celeb friend Monique Coleman who plays Taylor McKessie in both HSM movies with Cobin and she was on Dancing With the Star (and finished in fourth place!!)

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu!!!

Hottie ! ! ! with a sexy smile and awesome body!!!

and his hair is amazing!

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin bleu!!!!!!

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin blu

Guess the celebrity...?

Corbin Bleu

Guess the celebrity...?

corbin bleu

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